Reasons You Want Your Car’s A/C Unit Covered by an Extended Warranty

Reasons You Want Your Car’s A/C Unit Covered by an Extended Warranty

We’ve all had it happen, and it’s always at the worst possible time. You get in your car on a blistering summer day with temps creeping toward 100 degrees. You flip on the car’s air conditioning and get a blast of hot air. You expect it to turn cold any second, but it never happens. Now you’re driving around with the windows down, sweating through your clothes on the way to work or the store. You don’t even want to think about how much the repairs would cost, but you don’t want driving to be miserable all summer long either. What do you do?

If your car’s A/C unit is cover by an extended warranty, all of those concerns instantly melt away! But what if you don’t have coverage? Consider the following stats about car A/C repair costs.

How Much Will It Cost to Fix My Car’s Air Conditioning?

Car air conditioning systems are complicated, and the problem can be anywhere in the unit. As a result, there’s no way to guess what repairs will cost until you see a mechanic. The price range of the repair bill can vary wildly from $150-$200 for a lead to as much as $2,000 for major repairs due to compressor failure or system contamination.

The main problem is that A/C issues often happen on older vehicles. If your car is only worth $2,000-$4,000, do you really want to spend $2,000 to repair the A/C? For many people, that kind of repair bill means making do without air conditioning. While that may only mean a few months of discomfort in some northern areas, in southern states, it can make driving a terrible experience most of the year.

Purchasing the Right Extended Warranty Gives Peace of Mind

If you purchase the right extended warranty that meets the needs of your vehicle and your budget, you can have real peace of mind knowing that you won’t have to deal with repair bills that cost more than your vehicle may be worth. Vehicle Service Center provides high-quality service plans that meet every sort of budget. Just request a free quote online or call 1-800-280-6708 to get started today.